REF/L/MEMO/DONCIO/01APR2020// ( ( Forms will list the specific unclassified system(s) on which the peripherals will be used, and the spaces they will be used in. ( ( SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY. D!q%. iH~\6; y7tJo$3,H.84,o2f&v3*3>S "'M1|'&L0,.\ P*iDE3 IRq_i6Xd6|7 ( ( That information may be on paper, optical, electronic or magnetic media. ( 1028 0 obj <> endobj ( ( This site requires JavaScript to be enabled for complete site functionality. ( Want updates about CSRC and our publications? ( ( stream ( It outlines various types of mobile devices and wireless radio technologies and their vulnerabilities, reviews which personal mobile devices may be used in a government setting and under what conditions, and discusses methods of protecting unclassified government-provided and government-authorized mobile devices. ( A mobile device security policy should define which types of the organization's resources may be accessed via mobile devices, which types of mobile devices are permitted to access the organization's resources, the degree of access that various classes of mobile devices may havefor example, endstream endobj 549 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream ( ( (PFrsoj Z( ( Portable Electronic Devices (PED). C\{ I]lL 4O9zm7]V)j3|+%a(2zl;u2z`Ygvy,`uy5Gx^-`].-&>IVG/U%*6_xYQ*0:9E/2cOouf/^71L`"W_?~8^>Y qme)klCOaD$o?c"L&OWvEExVN_o? Last Revised. Electronic devices having the capability to store, record, and/or transmit text, images/video, or audio data. ( REF (K) IS DON CIO MEMORANDUM, ACCEPTABLE USE OF DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. REF (N) IS DODI 1035.01, TELEWORK POLICY.// ( (This can trigger automatic communication.) endobj Christina M. Styer, The Nation's Combat Logistics Support Agency, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - ( endstream endobj 1029 0 obj <. As a general rule, international travel in pursuit of official CU activities should not involve export-controlled equipment, materials, software or technology (together "items") without first consulting the Office of Export Contorls (OEC). 3.a.1. Source(s): ( %PDF-1.5 % ( 10.8.26 Wireless and Mobile Device Security Policy Program Scope and Objectives 10.8 .26.1.1 . ( DMUC was created in 2013 by the Defense Information Systems Agency when the DOD needed a way to securely connect users' commercial mobile devices to the agency's email platform. ( <>/PageLabels 347 0 R>> endobj MYb8r Visual indicators will be used to indicate that an unclassified video/voice teleconference is in session within classified spaces, such as sign(s) posted on outer doors. Today Comment: All "smart" devices are capable of staying connected full-time to the internet, via satellite, Wi-Fi, cable, etc. Today's portable electronic activity monitoring devices, (e.g., fitness, communication, and medical) offer a wide range of personal, professional, and health benefits. 1 0 obj ( ( REF/N/DOC/DODI 1035.01/04APR2012// ( ( ( ISA 12.12.03, is permissible when consistent with this policy. endstream endobj 262 0 obj <> endobj 263 0 obj <>>>>>/Resources<>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 264 0 obj <>stream ( h:[}7.~!|_8?a@*|N3|=2}+LM6p@_.x9OE8l@tDQx5;sL|,^I?0[K$!O]d\QovFB]oi) R0RSP=W0b[>6o;^3bvWx ,z4r! gr=Hw>*#W5p!bM/=\-BNs^l{AT~-yxF)]Zo*{kIrFGL&tyZMjxsMz%c'tO[BkraZ ?` Us*u0_tdWx4p#.U OFL$ ( This includes, but is not limited to: commercial wireless networks and Portable Electronic Devices (PED) such as laptop computers with wireless capability, cellular/Personal . 3.a.3. Use of Personal Electronic Devices, either intrinsically safe or non-intrinsically safe, is limited to prevent safety hazards in areas that are restricted, have . x\SFN|S ~nQfI6M]]etklGp_=3p ===~TMy5ILb8Xfg_e1N2U~`syj\1? ( Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA). endstream endobj 545 0 obj <> endobj 546 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 12/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 547 0 obj <>>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream ( 2. ( aNiwsJ>tWN+lw YhPhaAZ"@K -CxS~HuN*7EJ_cS(&FE!|4aBU[ {(`Dg.,Kg}kb$fg(CIX/Z#x]99z(F)b04[b=&QQ'L+WxS*J^(7tAm=,Q#hGF$t:WK5TtGc9|Pq_Q[slnfL The DoD Cyber Exchange is sponsored by ( ( f. Updates guidance on sanitization, declassification, and release of IS . It outlines various types of mobile devices and wireless radio technologies and their vulnerabilities, reviews which personal mobile devices may be used in a government setting and under what conditions, and discusses methods of protecting unclassified government-provided and government-authorized mobile devices. ( ( ( Removable media is personal, removable, and portable which introduces risk into the organization whenever it is used to store sensitive information. ( Using portable devices can increase the risk of data loss (when a physical device is lost), data exposure (when sensitive data is exposed to the public or a third party without consent), and increased exposure to network-based attacks to and from any system the device is connected to (both directly and via networks over the internet). ( ( %%EOF All data transfers on the SIPRNet require prior written approval and authorization. This fast paced integration has caused a paradigm shift to occur within DOD and DLA. ( ;$Q*(` +Sn_a4c^*! %PDF-1.7 ( A new mobile device strategy for the United States Defense Department addresses the need to secure the use of mobile devices for the military but provides few specifics on how to furnish security, at least not in the non-classified version the DoD made public this month. Access is . ( All data transfers on the SIPRNet require prior written approval and authorization. REF/D/GENADMIN/SECNAV WASHINGTON DC/2281830Z MAR 16/ALNAV 019-16// ( At present, other capabilities, such as commercial Zoom and Zoom for Government, are not authorized options for Marine Corps personnel. ( REF/M/DOC/DOD CIO/13APR2020// ( ( ( The same rules and protections apply to both. ( REF (M) IS DOD CIO MEMORANDUM, AUTHORIZED TELEWORK CAPABILITIES AND GUIDANCE. REF/C/MEMO/DIA WASHINGTON DC/1MAY2014// CES HR Operational eGuide Prior to use of webcams, microphones, or headphones/headsets on unclassified systems within collateral classified spaces, a designated security representative (e.g., ISSO) will perform a walkthrough to validate that prescribed mitigations are in place. ( 3.b.1. ( Fort Belvoir, Virginia - Portable electronic devices are prohibited in Defense Logistics Agency-owned or controlled spaces approved for storage and processing of classified information, according to a memorandum signed Sept. 25 by DLA Director Army Lt. Gen. Darrell Williams. 3.b.4. 165 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<5C042181859AC3448D41FDBBB580BFB5>]/Index[150 27]/Info 149 0 R/Length 77/Prev 85608/Root 151 0 R/Size 177/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream 3.b.7. ( Wired headsets, e.g., a headphone with an integrated microphone, can contain a built-in noise cancelling microphone; however, no other noise-cancelling functionality is permitted. ( This MARADMIN will remain in effect until cancelled or superseded. endstream endobj startxref 3 0 obj The host must display signs indicating when personal PEDs are not allowed and provide storage for devices outside the meeting space. ( @E}+d3;lI! "h(;pF`F~*xu4~d!Kfig+VznCoYTJ,;N_ 4 Napster, Kazaa), games or devices on a U.S. Government system. ICS 700-1. ( November 22, 2019. ( National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C), Public Key Infrastructure/Enabling (PKI/PKE), Using Mobile Devices in a DoD Environment. ( ( ( ( This may be due to a failure to meet the access policy requirements. See Also: Finding a Password Management Solution for Your Enterprise 2 0 obj ( ( ( ( % % ( ( ( H*wSp For NIST publications, an email is usually found within the document. ( <> ( ( Removable media takes many forms today (jump drives, flash memory storage, portable storage devices, etc.). 1 0 obj<> endobj 2 0 obj<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 3 0 obj<>stream REF (D) IS ALNAV 019-16, ACCEPTABLE USE OF AUTHORIZED PERSONAL PORTABLE ELECTRONIC DEVICES IN SPECIFIC DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY SPACES. hb```, ea8 ( NARR/REF (A) IS MARINE CORPS ENTERPRISE SECURITY MANUAL (ECSM) 005, PORTABLE ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND WIRELESS LOCAL AREA NETWORK TECHNOLOGIES. ( ( $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz " ? The policy applies to civilian and military employees as well as contractors and visitors to DLA. ( Applies to all DoD personnel, contractors, and visitors that enter DoD facilities or that have access to DoD information. Components should not initiate communications using unapproved commercial collaboration capabilities, but may participate in sessions if initiated by outside partners for public, unclassified purposes. ( Personnel bringing wearable fitness devices and headphones into DoD accredited spaces are consenting to inspection and monitoring of the devices. Portable electronic devices are prohibited in Defense Logistics Agency-owned or controlled spaces approved for storage and processing of classified information, according to a memorandum signed Sept. 25 by DLA Director Army Lt. Gen. Darrell Williams. DX' .{w{'?xy-4U[vK kj9KSgQ)M[eW!==+f;}G2W{+SMnmuaTW6EeEYcguyL SJ7C&@Da#6S]SY63(%' To mitigate potential risks, the following conditions and procedures will be implemented when using the aforementioned peripherals: POLICY. ( ( An official website of the United States government, DLA policy prohibits all personnel from bringing portable electronic devices into agency-owned or controlled spaces approved for storage and processing of classified information. ( Prior to connecting or enabling peripherals such as webcams, headphones/headsets, or microphones, classified spaces will be sanitized, i.e., all classified materials and systems will be secured, powered off, etc., to prevent inadvertent transmission of classified information. DoD PKI Policy Identifier (OID) Credential Strength (Per DoDI 8520.03) AAL (NIST 800-63-3) Issuance Approved Uses Medium Mobile PKI Credentials . ( 267 0 obj <>stream Photo by Tech Sgt. ( <>/Metadata 204 0 R/ViewerPreferences 205 0 R>> ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( For example new employees often receive workstations used by previous . ( ( ( hbbd``b`vk4 IK fk?X@QHpE nb4;7(2d#5| 0 R REF (B) IS DEPSECDEF MEMORANDUM, MOBILE DEVICE RESTRICTIONS IN THE PENTAGON. Student Self-Paced 2. ( ( ( ( ( ( 3.a.8. Hand Carrying Items Abroad. ( ( REF/K/MEMO/DON CIO/25FEB2020// . ( ( s+x1GC__=Y)J&|..gN|8srv.eEd%%E6p40tP1!=0eia e?SX S0$0u"x& Technology (IT) (stand-alone) systems. H, HVn7}L;muifNCk`P(bzsv\mg4hI3$gwCqw7oZf}},F]8^~XcMrbrs5kV7cnVXKof3G3C?3wuE)] }PD)G}MbY]Ti nSvEY+$#Mn&Dbg5hG"m1Y\:P4B .?hAZUm)^. ( ( TELEWORK AND COLLABORATIVE TOOLS/CAPABILITIES: ( ( The use of cloud services must be formally authorized by the Marine Corps Authorizing Official (AO) and comply with requirements in the DoD Cloud Computing Security Requirements Guide. 0. dod portable electronic device policy. ( ( e. Updates guidance on Internet access and use of commercial e-mail. All personnel are responsible for the protection of controlled unclassified information (CUI), including Privacy Act or For Official Use Only data, and classified information. tO"n#g)]k4J}C-irFU4g&57s T"Y) H ~q+Ok"f[T T ( ( ( ( If you are an administrator, please go to Access Policy >> Reports: All Sessions page and look up the session reference number displayed above. REF/A/DOC/ECSM 005/HQMC C4 CY/1JUL2016// 3. True The DoD considers a PED to be any portable information system or device that __________. ( ( 5. DOD Acceptable Use Policy . ( ( ( ( REF (G) IS SECNAV M-5510.30, DON PERSONNEL SECURITY PROGRAM. These include but are not limited to iPhones, iPads and tablets. It is DoD policy that: a. Unclassified WLAN systems must be standards-based and IEEE 802.11 compliant in accordance with Paragraph 3.1.a. OxWWDDU@4R+(d)8"wb >N}AeZ]+Z` EX F|{1hKhY04nE UYXKdbE(M` 8>H;cz'ne1|MGOd6=}$Z. dod portable electronic device policy. hb```~VN~100h+0H*"4/E8gIh>bXh4U c_o/aX1_@b`4xP*f e`r R6-: k', View Portable Electronic Devices and Removable Storage Media v2.0 HTML.docx from IS MISC at American Military University. ( 0p 2Hs6b S6Ha~xVUKD`0KU"w?\;t'Lt~P'F?~w';`zM+#'B>= ( ( endstream endobj startxref Holiday travelers often use portable electronic devices (PEDs) because they offer a range of conveniences, for example, enabling the traveler to order gifts on-the-go, access to online banking, or download boarding passes. Menu Personnel who knowingly or willfully violate the requirements in this MARADMIN may be subject to a preliminary inquiry in accordance with reference (g) and an incident report in the Joint Personnel Adjudication System, per reference (h). A PED is defined in Army Regulation (AR) 25-2 as portable Information Systems (IS) or devices with the capability of wireless or LAN . ( REF (E) IS DOD CIO MEMORANDUM, INTRODUCTION AND USE OF WEARABLE FITNESS DEVICES AND HEADPHONES WITHIN DOD ACCREDITED SPACES AND FACILITIES. ( Security Testing, Validation, and Measurement, National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE), National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE), NIST Internal/Interagency Reports (NISTIRs). ( DOD issuances contain the various policies and procedures the govern and regulate activities and missions across the defense enterprise. MSGID/GENADMIN/CMC DCI IC4 WASHINGTON DC// 0 As stated in reference (m), DoD is aware that several DoD components have expressed pursuing unauthorized cloud and collaboration capabilities. Portable electronic devices are prohibited for use while operating a vehicle unless a hands-free device, such as a speaker or Bluetooth, is used. ( "$`x2fh2,#2 0B.y5\t%)0G^Tl"u R@TH%)1BP(s/4$=+:cR5{I4TNP$IQJA"((n under criteria established by an Executive Order or an act of Congress to be kept protected in the interest . 3. ( ( what forces are involved with a bow and arrow . ( ( lVOBo ( ( hbbd``b`z$WXM@ `v2 D(o D m ( q)Ab``$ f /cI8~.n$15}K}G_g?qH??~?g?{?^ZNG\B7p,twwbaqGE]33szn>{'#.[ qdYRA:{q'%h@B-~+o"xoyYvFw?>Ge>PYw~gvQ|d% ( ( Wireless devices, services, and technologies that are integrated or connected to DoD networks are considered part of those networks, and must comply with DoD Directive 8500.01E (reference (d)) and DoD Instruction 8500.02 (reference (e)) and be certified and accredited in accordance with DoD Instruction 5200.40 (reference (f)). False ( Security and Operational Guidance for Classified Portable Electronic Devices (PED), dated 25 Sept 2015 outlines use and operating guidance Requirements derived from Presidential Policy Directive40 and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Directive 16-01 which mandated creation and distribution of TS collateral mobile devices Advantages }0CLs S~D5niELz|P]y^Q3WA? NZDI6(R8+mZgd|JZwZJEZ]6=&MBz. 1. v>w7w/6Mp+>i[hpIt,~P5sZwF=c]fS! DQ Gnga|,O. SUBJ/MODIFICATION TO POLICY FOR PORTABLE ELECTRONIC DEVICES (PEDS), UPDATE FOR CONTROLLED USE IN CLASSIFIED SPACES, UPDATE ON AUTHORIZED TELEWORK CAPABILITIES// ( ( It also, implements the guidance in Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 8560.01, Communications Security (COMSEC) monitoring and Information Assurance (IA) Readiness . ( ( endstream endobj startxref ( ( ( Federal and DoD regulations that support this standard DoD 8510.1-M ( ( This is a potential security issue, you are being redirected to ( Electronic devices having the capability to store, record, and/or transmit text, images/video, or audio data. If the spillage of classified information occurs, you must do which of the . endobj <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Mobile Devices (CMD), Portable Electronic Devices (PED), and laptops are DoD mobile endpoints. ( ( ( ( (U) Implementation Guidance for Department of Defense (DOD) (Less NRO and NSA) SCIFS. ( ( ( \p>JH`7who < ( ( ( ( aau basketball tournaments 2021 hoover alabama. ( 3.b.3. ( ( 8. ( Department of Defense Directive 8100.02 (Use of Commercial Wireless Devices, Services, and Technologies in Department of Defense (DOD) Global Information Grid (GIG)); April 14, 2004; Certified Current as of April 23, 2007. b. ( ( ( Medium C AAL 2 Remote . ( ( ( YxTX_~7[@v'9v6GQzB5D\9sO;HeA_F7}r$uQ9"P's3y2p!b]W!N? 3. Examples of portable devices covered by the . hbbd```b``6M )D2z`q,>DY@dD(X2d,f3HV0.XL> ,@6$,c`bd`v #] Bh ( ( A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. ( ( ( Comments about the glossary's presentation and functionality should be sent to [email protected]. %PDF-1.6 % ( 10-7, Information Operations. stream ( ( ( Because of the security risks associated with PEDs and removable storage media, the DoD has a policy that requires DoD data stored on these . ( 1 0 obj ( ( g. ( 2 0 obj ( For MCEN-N users, Pulse Secure VPN software provides secure, authenticated access to Marine Corps Non-secure Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNet) e-mail services, shared drives, and DoD CAC-enabled websites. 567 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[544 45]/Info 543 0 R/Length 113/Prev 744537/Root 545 0 R/Size 589/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. ( ( ( ' JFIF PFU ScanSnap Manager #S1500 C &"((&"%$*0=3*-9.$%5H59?ADED)3KPJBO=CDA CA,%,AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA DoD-provided peripherals, including CAC readers used on non-DoD-issued computers, may be returned and reused. Government approved smartphones require encryption, password, and CAC/PIN access. ( ( )9PEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPUFLk^#`U1O 4I*OG4wAF@q[vwui.
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