Familiarity with and connections to the Southern California region and advocacy communities and movement in Southern California. GeoCities Founder Funds New ACLU Fellowship Previously, she was Senior Counsel in the Criminal Justice Project at the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, where she led litigation challenging debtors prisons and excessive fines and fees practices in Arkansas and Oklahoma. Please include a detailed cover letter describing your interest in working with ACLU SoCal, your interest in working on the identified issue areas, and any relevant legal research, litigation, policy advocacy, and community engagement experience. ACLU of Southern California Legal Request Form We accomplish our goals through impact litigation, policy advocacy, activist engagement, and community organizing to enforce existing legal protections and create new ones. Alejandro Agustn Ortiz (he/him) is a Senior Staff Attorney with the ACLUs Racial Justice Program where he focuses on promoting economic justice for vulnerable communities, including in housing and labor/employment, and equal rights for inhabitants of U.S. territories like Puerto Rico. P.O. Leah earned her B.A. Conducting in-person jails visits and/or interviews with incarcerated individuals. Note that, in previous years, most law students receiving school funding have not qualified for an additional stipend from the ACLU because their law schools traditionally have provided a larger grant. He obtained his J.D. from Harvard Law School. In the area of LGBTQ rights, the Project works to protect and expand the rights of LGBTQ and non-binary individuals and those living with HIV/AIDS to be free from discrimination. San Luis Reservoir: +1.3% in past 1 day, now 77.1% full. Black attorney accuses ACLU of 'flagrantly racist policies' in As part of our voting work, we provide legal, organizing, and mapping support to our partners that are engaged in decennial redistricting and/or California Voting Rights Act work, advocate in support of legislation that expands the franchise and makes voting easier and more accessible to Californians, and conduct local advocacy to ensure that voters are not being disenfranchised. from Harvard College cum laude. In addition to the information listed in the following section, please state in your application your intended hourly commitment and duration of volunteer service. Fellowship - First Amendment and Democracy 2022-2023 from the University of Colorado Law School, where he captained a successful co-ed flag football team called The Estoppels, and his B.A. Office access is available but restricted based on approval until further notice. ACLU Foundation of Southern California 1313 West Eighth St., Suite 200 Los Angeles, California 90017 Criminal Justice The ACLU SoCal is currently accepting applications for interns who are interested in working on abolition and criminal legal system issues. Compelling projects ACLU SoCal 2 years 10 months Senior Staff Attorney Apr 2022 - Present11 months Staff Attorney May 2020 - Apr 20222 years Staff Attorney MALDEF Jan 2016 - May 20204 years 5 months Los Angeles,. After being invited to apply for a senior position, the very next day I received a rejection notice, with no phone call or email from the very person who requested that I apply. The Fellow will be paid pursuant to the ACLU SoCals salary scale, with the salary dependent on bar passage and years of experience: $62,500-$67,500. Jennings v. Rodriguez challenges the government's policy of detaining immigrants for prolonged periods without providing them a bond hearing and it is currently being litigated in the U.S. Supreme Court. During a six-month externship at the Washington Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights, she represented clients in disability rights, police misconduct, fair housing, and wage theft cases. Social Justice Fellowship | ACLU of Missouri Other responsibilities include learning about and making appropriate referrals to other legal and social services. The Surge Fellowship is a one-year program for 20-25 emerging leaders of color in education. He was counsel for plaintiffs in Aref v. Holder, challenging policies and conditions at the Federal Bureau of Prisons Communications Management Units, in Ashker v. Governor of California, a class action lawsuit challenging long-term solitary confinement at Californias Pelican Bay prison that resulted in the transfer of thousands of prisoners from SHU units across the state, and in Doe v. Jindal and Doe v. Caldwell, successful companion challenges to a Louisiana law that required individuals convicted of a Crime Against Nature to register as sex offenders. 2023 Legislative Agenda. Los Angeles, CA (Note: Hybrid and Remote opportunities are available upon request and approval. We are seeking interns for our Los Angeles, Kern, Orange County, and Inland Empire offices for the summer, fall, and spring academic terms. Conduct research, legal advocacy, and factual investigations to help develop and litigate high-impact cases at the trial and appellate level in federal and state courts. Despite the serious allegations, Ronald McDonald and the Hamburglar were spared from prosecution. The Institute identifies and accelerates promising education talent of color to enhance their expertise and aptitude, empowering them to transform the education ecosystem. Supervise the work of interns, as needed, and support intern hiring. As Senior Staff Attorney at the Innocence Project, Olga litigated and consulted on dozens of post-conviction cases nationwide, including several in which her clients were exonerated after many years in prison. The office is open five days a week and successful applicants will work eight-hour days (with some occasional longer days depending on the project deadlines). Evaluation of complaints takes time, and because we have limited resources, we often cannot make . Keep L.A. Metro Safe: Prioritize Care-First Safety, Tell Biden: Create Humane Immigration Policies, Freedom of Speech and Government Transparency, To Root Out Racism in the Criminal Legal System: California's Historic Racial Justice Act. A former staff attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California has sued the nonprofit civil rights organization, alleging that as a Black woman, she was subjected to. ACLU of Southern California. In 2022, ACLU SoCal continued to fight for the rights of Southern Californians. Posted 5:52:27 PM. For example, we currently are a leader in overseeing the implementation of the Local Control Funding Formula, which is the new way school districts receive funding in California. Law school students interested in this work are encouraged to apply. We encourage all qualified individuals to apply and value people of all races, genders (including gender identity or expression), sexual orientations, disabilities, citizenships, ages, religions, and national origins and who have different marital statuses, family caregiving responsibilities, lived experiences with the criminal justice systems, and genetic information. Likewise, many of our retirees and other volunteers have remained with the program for many years. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) defends the fundamental rights outlined in the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Throughout the history of the program, many student interns have gone on to law school and other professional education experiences. We are seeking interns for our Los Angeles, Orange County and Inland Empire offices year round. Each year, the ACLU SoCal hosts eight to 10 Brown Bag presentations that are open to interns from all local non-profits. All applicants should submit the following via email ([email protected]) or U.S. mail (email is strongly preferred): In your subject line, please include the following information in brackets: your preferred subject area(s), your geographic preference(s), and the term for which you are applying. 39 Drumm Street. The attorney's responsibilities will be the following: Leaders in California and International Human Rights Litigation: Our attorneys' work has had a major impact on the evolution of California and U.S. employment law, and also on civil and financial remedies for people harmed by rights violations. The ACLU SoCal can serve as a work study host and will support students' applications for funding with supporting materials and documentation. Careers | ACLU of Southern California The American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California (ACLU SoCal) seeks third-year law students and recent law school graduates to sponsor for school-based fellowships for the 2017 term. If you are a qualified individual with a disability and need assistance applying online, please e-mail [email protected]. The ACLU of Southern California is committed to developing a culture of diversity, equity, respect, and inclusion and to strivingto maintain a workforce that reflects the communities that we serve. aclu socal fellowship. For example, in Reed v. State of California, we filed a class action lawsuit against the State of California and Los Angeles Unified School District to enjoin budget-based layoffs at three Los Angeles middle schools because they denied students their fundamental right under the California constitution to equal educational opportunity. The ACLU SoCal is committed to providing reasonable accommodation to individuals with disabilities. Wesley Methodist Church The Hague - Facebook We are currently litigating People's Homeless Taskforce v. County of Orange, challenging multiple policies and practices adopted by the Orange County Board of Supervisors, including the Board's prohibition on addressing individual supervisors at public meetings and its policy authorizing the immediate destruction of public records. Leah earned her J.D. ACLU SoCal has particular interest in the following areas: . The American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California (ACLU SoCal) seeks a Development Operations Assistant. Donate today and fuel our fight in courts, statehouses, and nationwide. Volunteers and Interns will encounter a wide breadth of legal and social issues from potential clients who have various factual circumstances and communication styles. You are all welcome. Murray battled discrimination on the basis of sex and race throughout their personal and professional life, carving out an intersectional approach to legal strategies and civil rights discourse that still shapes the ACLUs work today. In another lawsuit,McKibben v. McMahon, we challenged the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department's disparate treatment of gay, bisexual, and transgender people housed in the West Valley Detention Center's "Alternative Lifestyle Tank," where they are denied equal time out of cell and access to religious, educational, rehabilitative, and vocational programming and are regularly subject to harassment by deputies and custody specialists. ACLU SoCal tackles a vast array of issues, including criminal justice, First Amendment, gender equity, reproductive justice, LGBTQ rights, immigrants' rights, police practices, education equity, jails reform, and economic justice. Please also clearly identify any geographic preferences (Los Angeles, Inland Empire, Kern, and/or Orange County).Please also attach your resume, list of three references, a writing sample, and school transcript. Reverend Dr. Pauli Murray (she/they) | Learn More. Fellowships | ACLU of Northern CA Search Fellowships There are currently no opportunities posted. During college, Ayo also served as president of the African Caribbean Students Association, organized a black woman dinner series, and worked with UChicago administration to increase black studies programming on campus. Please note that we cannot respond immediately. (888) 624-4245 | install nodejs latest version ubuntu organizational health index. Founded in 1923, ACLU SoCal has been at the forefront of numerous major efforts for civil liberties, civil rights, and equal justice in California. ), Los Angeles (Note: Hybrid opportunities are available upon request and approval.
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