Sadly, abuse is another commonly shared experience betweenwomen. This recorded webinar featuring Kim Pentico from the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV), will be exploring different aspects of economic justice as prevention work. Click on the link to learn more! Police Domestic Violence | Police Magazine 2020-2021 Webinar Series This webinar gives step-by-step tips and tools to help any agency that serves survivors the ability to calculate local impact so stakeholders and especially funders and government officials to see how funding programs for survivors at this critical time provide an incredible return on investment. Help is just a few clicksaway. All online learning session times are listed as EasternTime. If you have any questions, please [email protected]. This Trauma series can be watched independently or together as a piece. Multi-Abuse Trauma is part 2 of a 2-part Trauma series. Preventing and Responding to Domestic Violence Webinar Series You do not have to have the word advocate in your job title to benefit from these videos. Webinars - EVAWI This meeting is an executive session and is closed the the public. Melissa Hart of eBodyGuard will introduce you to the eBodyGuard technology that is creating a revolutionary approach to personal safety that puts the right information in the hands of 9-1-1 operators, law enforcement and attorneys. Rainbow House Domestic Abuse Services, which serves a three-county area in North Eastern Wisconsin, created the second Domestic Violence High-Risk Team (DVHRT) in the state to better address the needs of rural survivors and proactively intervene in high-risk cases before greater escalation. You will also learn of the innovative strategies deployed by the NNPD Domestic Violence Team in their efforts to engage the community in the fight against this public health epidemic. Victims of domestic violence during childhood are at an increased risk of falling victim to an abusive partner in adulthood. Learn about relevant federal and state laws, Identify the intersection between domestic violence and sex trafficking, Understand why victims of sex trafficking dont always identify themselves as domestic violence victims and that the psychological and trauma bonds with their trafficker are fundamental obstacles. Research shows that firearms are involved in the majority of homicides committed by an intimate partner (Violence Policy Center, 2021). : Teen DV Month Last Minute Call to Action Menu, Collaborating to Address the Needs of Trafficked Survivors with Disabilities, Collaborating to Address Trafficking in Rural Communities: Lessons from the Field, 2017 NCHDV Call for Abstracts: Ask the Experts, A Cross-Sector Model for Addressing Gender-Based Violence Impacting the Workplace, Trauma-Informed Care for Refugees and Children, Compassion Fatigue and Self-Care for Organizations, Legal Aspects of Human Trafficking for Health Providers, Supporting Safety and Change: A policy Framework for Engaging with Men Who Use Violence, Trauma-Informed Approaches to Working With Immigrant Children, Trauma-informed Approaches to Domestic Violence Exposure, Adverse Childhood Experiences And Resiliency: Opportunities For Early Child Care Providers, We Believe Moms Matter: Enhancing Child Welfare Responses to Mothers Experience Domestic Violence, Context and Practice: Trauma-Informed Approaches to Building Affirming Environments for LGBTQ + Youth, Healthy Moms, Happy Babies: Using the Relationship Assessment Tool and Universal Education, Strong Collaborative, Strong Families: Co-Located Domestic Violence Services Within Child Welfare, Assessing Trauma-Informed Practice: Lessons Learned From a Trauma Audit, Building Competence and Resilience in Children and Parents: The Advocate as Change Agent, Introduction to Labor and Sex Trafficking: A Health Care & Human Rights Challenge, Measuring Trauma-Informed Practice: Tools for Organizations, Collaborating with Community Based Organizations and Faith Based Communities to Address Human Trafficking, Labor Trafficking and the Intersection of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Addressing and Responding to Domestic and Sexual Violence in Healthcare Settings, Assembling the Pieces:Tools to Build an Effective Board, Building Promising Futures: Guidelines and Outcome Measures for Enhancing Response of Domestic Violence Programs to Children & Youth, Reimbursement and Payment Strategies for DV/Health Partnership, Promising Futures: Capacity Assessment for DV/SV Programs for Supporting Children, Youth, and Parents, Expanding Healthy Moms/Happy Babies: Spotlight on Our New Young Mothers Safety Card, Beyond Screening: A Patient-Centered Approach to Domestic Violence, The News About Childhood Trauma: Findings and Implications, Addressing and Preventing Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence in Campus Health Centers, Domestic Violence, Mental Health, And Substance Use Coercion, Promoting Healthy Teen Relationships in Pediatric Health Settings, Thats Not Cool: Mobilizing Youth Communities for Teen Dating Violence Prevention & Education, Navigating Fund Development Strategies During Transition, New Public Health Strategies for Violence Prevention, Gender Based Violence, Health, and HIV: Intersections and Implications for Clinicians, Open Enrollment: How the Affordable Care Act can help patients experiencing abuse, Ending the Sexual Abuse to Prison Pipeline: A Public Health Approach, Applicant Webinar on Funding Announcement: Phase II to Identify and Provide Brief Counseling on Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in PCMH Recognized Health Centers, Improving Health Outcomes through Violence Prevention, Returning to Being Good Relatives: Addressing Lateral Oppression and Violence, Achieving Access for Parents and Children. "Articulating our Theology: Domestic Violence" explores ways United Methodist churches and individuals can work to eliminate domestic violence and minister to victims and survivors. 1) Learn the tactics of coercive control in intimate relationships. This Center for Victim Research (CVR) webinar examines the impact of COVID-19 on domestic violence survivors in Harris County, Texas. Training Opportunities - With Only Blue Skies, we envision transforming the largest industry in our country from one that talks about womens financial needs to one that is actually doing something about it helping women address their own financial needs through education. Let your voice be heard on domestic violence public policies. This playlist includes webinars that provide tools, resources, and other information that could aid victim-survivors in their healing journey. The IHS Forensic Healthcare Project provides in-person and web-based training related to the identification, collection, and preservation of medical forensic evidence obtained during treatment of victims of sexual and domestic violence.. Webinars National MSPI and DVPI New Grantee and IHS Programs Welcome Call/Webinar. Since doing so, they have reduced their local DV homicide rate from 11 (2000-2013) to one. This year, NRCDV is honored to partner with and amplify the voices of Black youth leaders for both Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month and Black History Month, throughout the month of February and beyond. Weve painstakingly verified information on shelters in LA to shelters in NY, and every domestic violence program in between. Save to calendar . Thank you for your support. 9:00 am - 12:15 pm. Audience: Addiction Professionals, Mental Health Professionals, Criminal Justice Lawyers, Judges. In the Know. PCADV's Online Learning center offers introductory, intermediate, and advanced courses providing educational and skill-building opportunities for advocates, volunteers, and interns working at a local PCADV funded domestic violence program in Pennsylvania. COVID 19 Impact on Domestic Violence Survivors in Harris County. The webinar introduces participants to a slideshow presentation church leaders can use with their congregations. This webinar training will provide an overview of domestic violence in later life, identify abuse tactics used in IPVILL, acquire best practice for working with older adults. This will be a full day of learning, with lunch provided. This playlist includes webinars that discuss how abuse can impact a victim-survivor while in an abusive relationship and the ways it can continue to negatively impact a victim-survivor once the abuse stops or the relationship is terminated. This webinar will provide a detailed overview of immigration forms of relief survivors often qualify and highlight recent changes that impact eligibility for and processing of VAWA, Battered Spouse Waiver, and U and T Visas. This approach allows the DV Team, as civilian advocates within the department, to develop and implement effective strategies to address the issue of domestic violence within the city of Newport News. As one of the few women broker-dealer presidents, she traveled around the country talking with people, especially women, about investments and financial goals. Rainbow House Domestic Abuse Services, which serves a three-county area in North Eastern Wisconsin, created the second Domestic Violence High-Risk Team (DVHRT) in the state to better address the needs of rural survivors and proactively intervene in high-risk cases before greater escalation. Videos included in this playlist: Cultural Abuse 101 from StrongHearts Native Helpline, Beyond Being Followed: Stalking 101, Digital Violence 101: Detrimental Impacts at Ones Fingertips, Assessing for & Responding to Reproductive Coercion, Youre Crazy: Lasting Impacts of Emotional Abuse, Using Money and Finances to Manipulate, Family Violence 101, Intimate Partner Violence 101, Click here to view the videos in the Webinars on the Types of Abuse Playlist (PPT links in the video description). This playlist includes webinars that discuss how to work toward stopping violence before it starts (primary prevention), changing the trajectory for individuals at higher-than-average risk of perpetrating or experiencing violence (secondary prevention), and preventing the recurrence of violence (tertiary prevention/response). Says Parker, "Women with complex PTSD who were verbally and physically abused [may] pick the same [partner] over . In our society, it's doctrine that education is the key to success. What We Don't Know Can Hurt Us: Domestic Violence, Partner-Inflicted Brain Injury and a Way Forward 2.3K views 2 years ago 4 5 Steps to Empower Survivors to Succeed. A-CVS-2018-WOMADV-00013, awarded by the Office on Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs. Firearms. Leveraging our tough stories helps all of us to live more resiliently. Not sure if you're a member? The series will also feature crossover webinars, exploring the intersection of domestic violence in two particularly vulnerable groups: queer and . Or visit our webinar archive for a list of 200 webinars to choose from, on a variety of topics. 3) Look for Red Flags This webinar will educate advocates on how to recognize human trafficking in older adults, the differences between human trafficking, abuse & exploitation, and will explore best practices and resources for older adult survivors of human trafficking. Supporting Survivor Health Access Webinar Series: Open Enrollment. 1 2 3 next last This playlist includes webinars that are geared toward anyone who identifies as an advocate or wants to support victim-survivors of domestic and sexual violence. About Kim Scouller Male survivors of domestic violence face unique hurdles in accessing services and disclosing their victimization. Create an account to save and access your bookmarked materials anytime, anywhere. Frequently Asked Questions About NCADV Online Learning Sessions, Curious about what occurs during an NCADV online learning session? You do NOT have to be a tax expert. We provide educational and informational resources for victim service providers, law enforcement, mental health professionals, and other advocates. PRIVACY POLICY STATEMENT This webinar will provide information about the importance and effectiveness of Domestic Violence High-Risk Teams in rural communities and how to form and implement one. The Importance of an Intimate Partner Abuse Screening Tool for LGBQ/T Communities and Families, Strategies for Centralizing the Voices of Young People of Color in Anti-Violence Work, The Benefits of Mentorship: Empower, Lead, Succeed in Organizations Serving Survivors of Violence, Considering Children: How the Opioid Epidemic Affects Child Survivors of Domestic Violence, Open Enrollment! About Rachel Ramirez, MA, MSW, LISW-S, RA Shifting societal culture to consistently name domestic violence as wrong and promote healthy relationship behaviors and mindsets are key. This training will help domestic abuse program staff build their capacity for supporting families. National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health (NCDVTMH) This page provides access to recorded webinars hosted by the National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health on various topics related to trauma, mental health, and domestic violence. Events | Office for Victims of Crime This webinar series will examine the intersections between trauma, domestic violence, and the opioid epidemic; discuss innovative approaches to addressing these complex issues; and offer practical strategies for domestic violence programs and opioid/substance abuse treatment providers. Follow us for upcoming events, a new Black youth-led messaging campaign, and more! All rights reserved. During the morning session, you'll learn about offender . 1. We can better address and eliminate intimate partner violence if we see the problem as an ongoing crime of controlmore like a long-term hostage situation than a series of domestic violence assaults. Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 2:00pm - 3:15pm Aug You'll get started on your stories in the workshop and come away with tools to easily help clients begin writing their stories. Download transcript:, Presented by Lisa Aronson Fontes, PhD Strangulation of victims of domestic violence is a common tactic used by batterers. WHAT WE DO. For questions regarding this presentation, email [email protected]. Located in NNPD Headquarters, and based out of the Special Victims Unit, the NNPD DV Team utilizes a multi-pronged approach to domestic violence: victim advocacy, law enforcement training, community partnerships, data analysis, domestic violence education and awareness saturation. Effective Treatment for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence - NAADAC National, state, and tribal laws do restrict . Keeping it Confidential in California: New Privacy Protections Under CHIA, Exploring and Addressing Equity Issues Across Sectors, Special Enrollment Period for Survivors: How the Affordable Care Act can help patients experiencing domestic and interpersonal violence, Trauma Informed and Equitable Approaches to Training Development and Implementation, Addressing the Effects of Violence and Abuse to Improve the Health Outcomes of Women Living with HIV, Defending Childhood Website Launch: New Innovations for Addressing Childrens Exposure to Violence, Talking to Legislators and Other Policymakers, Elder Abuse: Raising Awareness and Impact on Health, Trauma-informed Approaches to Domestic Violence Exposure, Adverse Childhood Experiences and Resiliency, Mitigating Childhood Trauma in Indian Country: Community and Policy-level Recommendations, Open Enrollment AND Beyond: How the Affordable Care Act can help patients experiencing domestic and interpersonal violence, Building Stronger Collaborations With Domestic Violence Agencies and Addressing Programmatic Barriers to Screening: Healthy Moms Happy Babies 2nd Edition, 2015 Has Answers, Voices of Formerly Incarcerated Leaders: A Growing National Movement, Campus Sexual Assault: What Clinicians Need to Know, Applying an Adolescent Wellbeing Focus in Juvenile Justice Assessment and Treatment Planning, Tools for Connecting the Dots: Latest Research and Innovative Strategies Honoring Linkages Between Multiple Forms of Violence, Incorporating a Trauma Informed Approach to Social Emotional Learning in Diverse Community Settings, New Updates on How the Affordable Care Act can Help Patients Experiencing Domestic and Interpersonal Violence, Traditional Cultural Mentoring for Native Children and Youth, From Associates to Allies: Forging Public Sector Partnerships that Prevent Violence, All Communities are Not Created Equal: How a Health Equity Approach Enhances Violence Prevention Efforts, Extended ACA Enrollment Period and Hardship Exemptions for Victims of Domestic Violence, Human Trafficking: The Role of the Healthcare, Improving Existing, and Creating New Gendered Violence Prevention Programs and Policies on College Campuses: An Organizing Approach, Domestic Violence, Adolescent Relationship Abuse and Mandatory Reporting in California, The NJ and NY Initiatives on DV Advocates Co-Located in Local Child Protective Offices, Supporting Our Troops Families: The Impact of Family Violence on Military Families, Lessons Learned from Abusive Men on the Journey to Nonviolence, Building A Health Care Response to Human Trafficking, What Domestic Violence Advocates Need to Know About How New Health Policy Changes Can Help Survivors of Domestic Violence, Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships Evaluation outcomes from a four-year, multi-million dollar initiative on promoting healthy relationships and preventing teen dating violence, Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships School and District Policies, Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships In-and Out-of-school Settings, Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships Social Marketing and Communications, Redefining Safety Planning in the Context of Reproductive Coercion: Integrating Assessment for Emergency Contraception Within Domestic Violence Shelter and Advocacy Programs, Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships Influencers, Gun Violence: The Healthcare Providers Role in Prevention Webinar, Tribal Laws: Protecting the Sacredness of Our Children, Start Strong: Building Healthy Teen Relationships Overview, Promoting Wellness: Incorporating Health Care into Advocacy, A Survivors Journey: Understanding the Health Impact of Abuse and Paths to Promote Wellness, Good Solutions Solve Multiple Problems: Addressing the Links Between Multiple Forms of Violence, Workplace Protections For Survivors of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking, Shifting the Paradigm: Building Program Capacity to Effectively Serve Mothers and their Children Together in Domestic Violence Programs, Promoting Healthy Teen Relationships: Preventing Teen Dating Violence, Addressing Domestic Violence within Home Visitation Settings: Children Exposed to Domestic Violence & Its Impact on Parenting, Part 2: Strengthening Healthcare-based Domestic Violence Programs through Evaluation, Trauma Informed Care: The Role of the Health Care Provider Webinar, Part 1: Strengthening Healthcare-based Domestic Violence Programs through Evaluation, Addressing Domestic Violence in Home Visitation Settings: Screening, Assessment & Safety Planning, School-based Health Services, Adolescent Health and Anticipatory Guidance for DV/SA, Project Connect 2.0 State/Territory Application, New DHHS Recommendation for Domestic Violence Screening and Counseling, Addressing Domestic Violence in Home Visitation Programs: Opportunities for Holistic Programming and Partnerships, Child Sexual Abuse: Health Consequences and the Role of the Health Care Provider, Teen Dating Violence and Reproductive Coercion: Innovative Opportunities for Programs and Partnerships, Bullying: Health Consequences and Role of the Health Care Provider Webinar, Defending Childhood: Lessons Learned on Leadership, Social Change and Building Community. Webinars & Seminars from the National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health, National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health (NCDVTMH), Webinar: Understanding Trauma & Mental Health in the Context of Domestic Violen, Webinar: Developing Trauma-Informed Practices and Environments: First Steps for, Webinar: Developing Trauma-Informed Practices and Environments: Part II, Blog Post: TDVAM & Black History Month 2023, Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month, Responding to Emergencies: Confidentiality Considerations, Centering BIPOC Survivors, Advocacy, and Community Responses: Real Talk, Practical Strategies, Community Organizing / Mobilization / Engagement, FGM / Honor Killings / Forced Marriage / Acid Attacks. Webinars - Utah Domestic Violence Coalition The Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) funds police departments, sheriffs' offices, and other law enforcement professionals to respond to the crimes of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking. The Intersection of Domestic Violence and the Grieving Process of Zoom . All NCADV online learning sessions are included in NCADV Membership! Domestic Violence Webinars - YouTube Wednesday, November 30, 2022 at 10:00am - 11:30am Nov . National Resource Center on Domestic Violence Over the past 13 years at ODVN, Rachel has led multiple statewide initiatives on trauma-informed approaches as well as other topics. Upcoming domestic, family and sexual violence related conferences, events and webinars from around Australia are listed here for your information. This playlist includes webinars that begin to scratch the surface of an issue. Some abusers use coercive control without physical violencewhich can be especially confusing for victims and survivors. [#ADVOCHAT SESSION] Domestic Violence High Risk Team Formation in Rural Communities | 3/15 @ 1pm EST | Learn More + Register at In 2014, Kim co-founded and launched Only Blue Skies, a Womens Business Platform focused on making financial education and the financial profession more accessible to women. Webinars: Helpful Videos for Domestic Violence Victims and Survivors She previously served as the executive director of a statewide organization in Georgia whose mission was to help the human and animal victims of . VAWnet Event Calendar and resources to help domestic violence and sexual assault service providers improve outcomes for human trafficking survivors. Why? This playlist includes webinars that discuss the different forms that abuse can take. Outreach to Underserved Communities - End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin Here's a sample, Domestic Violence High Risk Team Formation in Rural Communities, 1:00pm to 2:30pm EST Noon to 1:30pm CST / 11:00am to 12:30pm MST / 10:00am to 11:30am PST. Training Opportunities - Council On Domestic Violence And Victim Assistance Team: Changing Minds Winner of Open Minds Initiative! Each #AdvoChat (Advocates + Chatting)offers an opportunity to improve your professional skillset and knowledge base with detailed, hands-on video training, engagingly delivered to you without having to leave your desk. The Center on Partner-Inflicted Brain Injury's groundbreaking research revealed that over 8 out of 10 people accessing domestic violence services had experienced head trauma, often repeatedly and concurrently. COD: Overlapping Issues: Domestic & Sexual Violence, Mental Health, Trauma & Substance Use (2018) This webinar is for domestic violence advocates to learn more about human trafficking, and how it relates to their work. Recorded Webinars Categories: Recording , Webinar Our webinars offer valuable insight and education about the intersection of faith with sexual and domestic violence and child abuse, as well as the importance of clergy ethics and healthy relationships in preventing harm. It also shares strategies advocates can use to assist victims of domestic violence during the pandemic. Recorded Webinars FaithTrust Institute It will also discuss the CARE (Connect, Acknowledge, Respond, Evaluate) service provision framework and will share Ohio's practical, free, trauma-informed tools and materials developed for you to raise awareness with those you serve and the agencies you work in. This is a great place to start if youre looking for the basics of a specific topic. Twelve webinars were offered throughout the month of June to allow grantees to satisfy the 10 hours of mandatory training that PCCD requires of VOCA grantees. This presentation will provide an overview of the unique perspectives that civilian advocates bring to law enforcement in their engagement with victims of domestic violence. Find your closest domestic violence program with our PA directory. Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault - Justice Clearinghouse Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault The Justice Clearinghouse covers the topic of Domestic Violence on a regular basis: through the webinars we hold, the articles we write, as well as the articles we curate from other respected sources. Effective October 6, 2022, The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) and the National Domestic Violence Hotline (The Hotline) have joined together. Victims of workplace bullying may suffer physical, emotional, and psychological effects. It can have long-term negative effects on the well-being and safety of children and families. Each individual must register for the webinar and watch the entire presentation, which we will verify via our time tracking software. Videos included in this playlist: Safety Planning for the Holidays, Interconnectedness of domestic violence and homelessness, assessing for & responding to reproductive coercion, navigating when a survivor is in crisis, emotional safety for children, mindfulness techniques for survivors, emotional safety planning, lets talk about boundaries, trauma-informed play therapy interventions for youth, healing from trauma: centering the survivor, supporting children through trauma, building resiliency, and more.
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