$("#gb-sitename-outer").show(); The FBIs Community Outreach Program supports the Bureaus initiatives by helping to build bridges between the rich diversity of Oregons cultural, religious, ethnic and professional communities - empowering citizens with a voice and educating these communities on the FBIs role in keeping our citizens safe. } e.preventDefault(); There are always up and coming tours or activities such as the above mentioned the Alumni can get involved in..
Antonia Fabian Kreamier: Bridging the Gap between - FBI CAAA Portland FBI Boston hosted a half-day Teen Academy with the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Holyoke, Massachusetts. if(taglineText == "") { The following programs are currently accepting nominations or applications: This list may not include all available opportunities. }); var districtHome = 'true'; display: block;
It goes without saying that our volunteers respect the privacy of the students and their families, and all information is kept confidential. Sign in to create your job alert for Fbi Community Outreach Specialist jobs in United States. //DOC #sp-breadcrumbs -- ELEMENT breadcrumbs SHOWS OR HIDES BREADCRUMBS ["Danish", "dansk", "da"], if(e.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'select') {
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English to Bengali' + "thumbnailHeight" : 53, $("#footer-logo").hide(); The Adopt-A-School Program puts FBI special agents and staff members into local schools to mentor and tutor kids. $('#gb-channel-list-outer').removeClass('skip-link-focus'); '
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[email protected]. $("#sw-maincontent").css({ $("#sw-mystart-outer").removeClass("wrap-links"); if(imgWidth > 320) { Community Outreach Specialist. The Abington, Massachusetts, Police Department. } $("#gb-logo-outer, #gb-logo-container img").width(imgWidth); } switch(extraElements) { Our Citizens Academy offers so much for one another that it doesnt have to be solely FBI missioned, Kreamier says. eventsByDay(".upcomingevents .ui-articles"); "menuButtonParent" : "#sp-content", } } case "false": $(this).parent().remove(); With the various cultural communities that make up the State of Oregon, we rely on our young people to help us convey information to the older generations, Kreamier says. "top": "-" + $("#gb-channel-list-outer").outerHeight(true) + "px" }, function() { //DOC replace mystart dropdown arrows An official website of the United States government. Apply to Reading Specialist, Treatment Manager, Crime Analyst and more! ["Yiddish", "", "yi"], "onTransitionEnd" : function() { }, $(".headlines a.more-link span").text("All News"); '
English to Slovak' + } ["Croatian", "hrvatski", "hr"], $(document).on("focus", ".sw-mystart-dropdown", function(e) { } ["Punjabi", " ", "pa"], homepageTabs(); Director of Health Services. "playPause" : showPlayPause, ["Uzbek", "O'zbekiston", "uz"], ["Italian", "italiano", "it"], ["Portuguese", "portugus", "pt"], Serves as the FBI's Community Outreach Program representative and . }
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$(document).on("click", ".sw-mystart-dropdown", function(e) { }); if(haveLinks) { Today's top 176 Fbi Community Outreach Specialist jobs in United States.
English to Italian' + Able to maintain a consistently positive and respectful attitude . $(".global-icon").last().addClass("last"); } var translator = 'true'; '
English to Persian' + var translateType = 1; "text": "Skyward", Easily apply Program Promotion Student enrollment, District standing and parent/community outreachare critical to the ongoing success of PACE. "iconNum" : "5", // NUMBER OF ICONS $("h1.sitename-one, h2.sitename-two").hide(); $(".sw-mystart-dropdown.translate").hide(); }
176 Fbi Community Outreach Specialist Jobs in United States - LinkedIn var imgHeight = $("#hp-slideshow .rotating-images img").height(); "menuBtnText" : "MENU", "onTransitionStart" : function() { $(this).parent().prev().children().children().next().append(moveArticle);
FBI Community Outreach Specialist jobs - indeed.com $(this).removeClass("open"); //DOC add signed out breadcrumb +4benefits, Learning Loss Reading Remediation Program Coordinator (Grant-funded), Program Coordinator for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Student Affairs, South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs, Tucson Unified School District (TUSD1.org). }); $("#sw-mystart-right div.clear").before($(".sw-mystart-button.signin")); ["Korean", "", "ko"], Community Outreach Spotlight Safeguarding Senior Communities Submitted by Officer Justin Simmons of the Abington, Massachusetts, Police Department. $("#hp-slideshow").height(imgHeight); ["Bosnian", "bosanski", "bs"], function eventsByDay(container) { }; Interested in attending an FBI outreach event or participating in one of our programs? } else {
homepageTabs(); ["Bengali", "", "bn"], ["Serbian", "", "sr"], $("#gb-sitename-outer").show(); '
English to Filipino' + '
English to Korean' + $(this).parent().parent().addClass("active"); var termsText = $("div#sw-footer-links li:eq(2) a").text(); $("h1.sitename-one, h2.sitename-two").show(); $("label[for='sw-search-input']").text("SEARCH"); It goes without saying that our volunteers respect the privacy of the students and their families, and all information is kept confidential. "text": "Email", "target": "_self"
Community Outreach Spotlight: National Faith and Blue Weekend ["Latvian", "Latvijas", "lv"], @media (max-width: 500px) { .ui-dropdown-current, td input[type="text"] { min-width: 85px; width: 85px !important; } } var taglineToggle = 'false'; "onImageLoad" : function() { }); if(schoolText1 == "") {
English to Gujarati' + }); '
English to Slovenian' + var feedbackText = $("div#sw-footer-links li:eq(0) a").text(); View Colette Lee's email address:
[email protected] & phone: +1-205-xxx-xx26's profile as Community Outreach Specialist at Santa Fe Community College, located in Santa Fe, New Mexico. if(!$(".sw-mystart-dropdown.translate").length) { '
English to Icelandic' + } var schoolText1 = 'Bloomington High School North'; border: 5px solid #fff;
Some communities can confuse the FBI with Immigration and Customs Enforcement or Homeland Security. Benjamin Godfrey Campus 5800 Godfrey Road, Godfrey, Illinois 62035 (618) 468-7000 or 1-800-YES-LCCC, N. O. Nelson Campus 600 Troy Road, Edwardsville, Illinois 62025 (618) 656-8800, National Great Rivers Confluence Campus East Alton, Illinois 62024 (618) 468-2900, Article by:Brad Ware, FBI Community Outreach Specialist,
[email protected], L&C Bench Dedication Honors Monti Girls Killed in 1969, L&C Criminal Justice Open House to Showcase Program, Career Opportunities, FAIT Academy Offers High School Students a Unique Look at FBI, Papin Proves Herself in L&Cs Criminal Justice Program, L&C Offers In-Demand Criminal Justice Program Options. if($(".sw-mystart-button.register").length) { $("#footer-logo, #footer-sitename").show(); $("div#sw-mystart-search input#sw-search-input").removeAttr("placeholder"); if(translateSwitch == "Branded") { Design and Technology Provided by Platform Strategy and Elite Lawyer Management. $(".contact-fax").hide(); } '
' + $(".social-icon.pinterest").show(); $("body").viewFullSite({ $("#rs-menu-btn").appendTo("#gb-global-icons"); //} The FBIs Springfield Field Office will hold the 2022 Future Agents in Training (FAIT) Academy at Lewis and Clark Community College, 5800 Godfrey Road, Godfrey, Illinois, June 21-23. if($(window).width() >= 320 && $(window).width() <= 639){ if($("#swlogin").length){ //DOC move search from mystart } if (getWidth >= 320 && getWidth < 480) { // 320+ FBI Youth Leadership Academy Indianapolis Field Office 2020. How to Join :: FBI Dallas Citizens Academy Alumni Association "dropdownHandleText": "Translate", // ONLY FOR FRAMESET AND API VERSIONS case "false": pageURL = encodeURIComponent(pageURL); We help to put these people together and connect them to make them stronger in their efforts in the private sector.
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' + }); "descMoreLink" : "no", }); Get email updates for new Fbi Community Outreach Specialist jobs in United States. }, To learn more about FLEYA - Future Law Enforcement Youth Academy (FLEYA), the youth program will . if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 7") > -1){ isMSIE7 = 1; } '- English to Polish
' + } Visit us at fbi.gov. if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 9") > -1){ isMSIE9 = 1; } Certain skills and specialties that are valuable in keeping our communities safe are sought out in the selection of Academy members. $(this).removeClass("open"); if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 8") > -1){ isMSIE8 = 1; } "slideDirection" : "left-to-right", // OPTIONS - left-to-right, right-to-left } if($(this).val() == "SEARCH") { '- English to Irish
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Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Oct 2022 - Present5 months. font: bold 100px verdana;
}); $("#gb-logo").css("max-width","100% !important"); var haveLinks = false; Participants are selected by the special agent in charge of the local FBI field office. <p>Job is anticipated to be open in October-November 2021.</p><p>Links Global seeks to hire a Community Outreach Specialist in Buffalo, NY for a U.S. government-funded program to support the governments efforts to prevent drug use through community outreach. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.
Expert Community Outreach Specialist Resume Examples - LiveCareer background: #D36929; /*lighter orange*/
$(".sw-mystart-dropdown.translate .sw-dropdown .sw-dropdown-list").creativeTranslate({ function useChannelForSection(){ //$("#hp-tabs .tabs-container").after($(galleryContainer)); } var twitterToggle = 'false'; useChannelForSection(); "menuTextAccent": "#333333", // DEFAULT #333333 The program will welcome high school students between the ages of 16 and 18 years old to join us on July 17-21, 2023, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Email your applications by April 2, 2023. "translateLanguages": [ // ["ENGLISH LANGUAGE NAME", "TRANSLATED LANGUAGE NAME", "LANGUAGE CODE"] background: #417206; /*lighter green*/
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