niall of the nine hostages 23andme

390-461). According to McVoy this area was the main powerbase of the Ui Neill kings, which literally translated means "descendants of Niall". [9] He is succeeded by his nephew Nath . Byrne suggests that Niall's death took place during a raid on Roman Britain. 1 / 5. ", Annala Rioghachta Eireann. nose and a serious case of puss popping zits. Battles, who may have lived in the middle of the 2nd century and was reputedly But claiming that you're descended from Niall of the Nine Hostages is BS, because even if it were true, there is no proof. Husband of Inne ingen Lugaid and Roigneach ingen Meadaib As he lands a passionate kiss, the ugly hag transforms into In the saga "The Death of Niall of the Nine Hostages", Eochaid's enmity with Niall begins when he is refused hospitality by Niall's poet, Laidcenn mac Bairchid. Niall chains Eochaid to a standing stone, and sends nine warriors to execute him, but Eochaid breaks his chain and kills all nine of them with it. 390-461). It is now more commonly referred to as the Northwest Irish/Lowland Scots variety. Niall is placed in the traditional list of High Kings of Ireland. Niall, who emerges carrying an anvil, is deemed greater than Brin, with a sledgehammer, Fiachrae with bellows and a pail of beer, Ailill with a chest of weapons, and Fergus with a bundle of wood. [11] nna's son Eochaid is named as Niall's killer in all sources, although the circumstances vary. the brothers decide they're not that hungry or thirsty. When Niall grows up he returns to Tara and rescues his mother from her labour. three centuries of Irish emigration to North America. 1 Reply Ziff-A-Dee-Dew-Law 4 yr. ago Famous descendants include Niall's great-great-grandson Saint Columba, Saint Mel Ruba, the Kings of Ailech, the Kings of Tir Eogain, and the Kings of Tr Conaill. 5) [S10138] "High Kings of Ireland e-mail address". While the signature is typical for R1b European males in general, it is characterized by 11,13 at DYS 385a/b and 14 at DYS 392. [23] Origin of his epithet[edit] There are various versions of how Niall gained his epithet Nogallach. with this signature is so high, the patriarch must have been prolific. Eochaidh had been banished as the King of Leinster and had plans to be the High King of Ireland. [9] He is succeeded by his nephew Nath . Byrne suggests that Niall's death took place during a raid on Roman Britain. Mongfind, purporting to make peace between her brother and her sons, holds a feast, at which she serves Crimthann a poisoned drink. for most of the next six centuries. Niall exiles him to Scotland. Then Niall, showing strength of character, even in his early youth, took his mother from her menial task, and restored her to her place. kingship existed. But while he is away on a tour of his lands in Scotland, Mongfind's sons seize Ireland. His body is said to have been buried at Ochann, now known as Faughan Hill at Jordanstown, a few miles west of Navan in County Meath. historical reality of Niall of the Nine Hostages wasn't proved before the Fergus and Ailill refuse and return empty-handed. niall of the nine hostages 23andme. She gives birth as she is drawing water, but out of fear of Mongfind, she leaves the child on the ground, exposed to the birds. 85% of Irish men belong to a paternal lineage called R1b1b2, but since this line is also common across the rest of western Europe, it doesnt definitively determine if a man has Irish ancestry. Yet his fall in a foreign land was to be compassed, not by the strategy or might of the foreign enemy, but by the treachery of one of his own. Not sure how to get the raw data file form 23andMe though? The less well-known story has it that they were taken from the Airgialla, a once powerful people who controlled an area loosely centred on present-day Armagh and Tyrone. While Moore et al. of Niall's promiscuity (a trait that, according to Celtic thinking, went hand When Maximus and his Roman legions were, in consequence of the barbarian pressure upon the Continental Roman Empire, withdrawing from Britain, Niall, with his Irish hosts and Pictish allies, treaded upon their hurrying heels." He fell on the banks of the River Loire, in France, by the hand of Eochaid, the son of Enna Ceannselaigh, King of Leinster, who, from ambush, with an arrow, shot dead the great king. Joined then by the Irish in Alba, he marched against the Picts, overcame them, took hostages from them and had Argyle and Cantire settled upon the Albanach Irish. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. [17] The Scottish Clan Ewen of Otter, Gilchrist; Clan Lamont; the MacSorleys of Monydrain,[18] (of Clan MacDonald of Dunnyveg a branch of Clan Donald); Clan Maclachlan; Clan MacNeil, and the MacSweens all claim a descent from an Irish prince of the O'Neill dynasty, nrothn Ua Nill/Anrothan O'Neill, son of ed, son of Flaithbertach Ua Nill, King of Ailech and Cenl nEgain, who left Ireland for Kintyre in the 11th century and died 1036. Although its remarkable that nearly 1 in 10 Americans might say Kiss Me Im Irish! on St. Patricks day, its not clear if all these people actually have Irish ancestors or if they simply feel an affinity for corned beef and green beer. McEvoy states: "As in other polygynous societies, the siring of offspring was related to power and prestige." Seeing Niall's popularity among the nobles, Mongfind demands that Eochaid name a successor, hoping it will be one of her sons. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Three of his sons founded kingdoms in Ulster (collectively the Northern Ui Neill), other sons founded kingdom in the Irish midlands (the Southern Ui Neill). The child was rescued by a great poet of that time, Torna, who reared and educated him. Keating, quoting a Latin Life of Saint Patrick, says that Niall led Irish raids on Roman Britain, and in one of those raids Patrick and his sisters were abducted. A subreddit about all things genealogy provided it's not about living people. In 2019, 23andMe teamed up with Airbnb to take ancestry from the page to the world stage through a newly launched Heritage Travel program. Niall chains Eochaid to a standing stone, and sends nine warriors to execute him, but Eochaid breaks his chain and kills all nine of them with it. Fiachrae is granted a minor royal linetwo of his descendants, Nath and Ailill Molt, will be High Kings. Niall releases Fiachrae, who becomes king of Connacht and Niall's right hand man. Just how extensive an area he may have dominated is not recorded but he [10] nna's son Eochaid is named as Niall's killer in all sources, although the circumstances vary. A DNA test can show if a man is related to Niall: A recent study conducted at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, found that a striking percentage of men in Ireland (and quite a few in Scotland) share the same Y chromosome, suggesting that the 5th-century warlord known as "Niall of the Nine Hostages" may be the ancestor of one in 12 Irishmen. , 'The Family Tree Irish Genealogy Guide' is full of advice, tips and strategies to ease what can be a challenging journey. [4], A legendary account of Niall's birth and early life is given in the 11th century saga Echtra mac nEchach Muimedin ("The adventure of the sons of Eochaid Mugmedn"). have sex with her. His reign dated to the late 4th and early 5th centuries. II, The History of Ireland by Geoffrey Keating, "The Laud Genealogies and Tribal Histories", "A Y-Chromosome Signature of Hegemony in Gaelic Ireland. By another wife, Mon Fionn, daughter of the King of Munster, Eochaid had four sons, Brian, Fiachar, Ailill, and Fergus. I was just wandering because it said most Irish have the common ancestor as well. [7], The Lebor Gabla renn says there was war between Niall and nnae Cennsalach, king of Leinster, over the brama or cow-tribute first imposed on Leinster by Tuathal Techtmar. According to legend, Niall was a warrior Myth has it that he was descended by [9 ], While Niall is high king, his brothers establish themselves as local kings. Niall's accession to the throne possibly took place around 379AD. [24] The series suggested that Niall may have been the most fecund male in Irish history. [6], Confirm your suspicions or surprise yourself with a DNA test DNA - It's something so personal and integral to who you are and where you come from, but often it remains a total mystery. [3]:7678[7]:220. Trinity College study, nor do the researchers conclude that he ever existed. France, killed on the banks of River Loire. Perhaps more myth than man, Niall of the Nine Hostages is said to have been a King of Tara in northwestern Ireland in the late 4th century C.E. His father, Eochaid Muig Medon, son of Muiredeach, became Ard Rich mid way of the fourth century. Y-DNA is It is his (Niall's) family.". M222 is roughly 2000 years old, so even though it is mostly found among men with Irish or Scottish heritage, it's not unusual to find it anywhere in Europe. According to legend, Niall led one of the most powerful and enduring Irish kingdoms and it has been suggested that because of high rates of Irish emigration to North America and other parts of the world, up to two or three million men descend from Niall! Sign up to IrishCentral's newsletter to stay up-to-date with everything Irish! [15] Keating says that he received five from the five provinces of Ireland, and four from Scotland. The findings of the study showed that within the north-west of Ireland as many as 21% of men (8% in the general male population) were concluded to have a common male-line ancestor who lived roughly 1,700 years ago. Also known as: Niall Nogiallach King of Ireland. The earliest version of the Lebor Gabla says Eochaid killed him on the English Channel, later versions adding that Niall was invading Brittany when this happened. water. The Primitive Irish Vendo is a cognate with Finn, and the Fianna were landless, aristocratic young men and women who had not yet come into their inheritance of land. He then kills Laidchenn by throwing a stone which lodges in his forehead. [7], This "loathly lady" motif appears in myth and folklore throughout the world. revealed that as many as three million men living today may carry his y-DNA and tr. Neill ie Doherty, Gallagher, O'Reilly, Quinn (see Surnames box). Keating has Eochaid shoot Niall from the opposite bank of the river Loire during his European campaign. [22][23] According to the PBS documentary series Finding Your Roots, Bill O'Reilly, Stephen Colbert, Colin Quinn, Bill Maher, and the show's host, Henry Louis Gates Jr. all display STR markers consistent with the Irish Modal Haplotype. All sources agree he died outside Ireland. The little Irish (Scotic) colony in that part of Alba just opposite to Antrim had gradually been growing in numbers, strength, and prestigeuntil they excited the jealousy and enmity of the Picts, who tried to crush them. [11], The Lebor Gabla renn says there was war between Niall and nnae Cennsalach, king of Leinster, over the brama or cow-tribute first imposed on Leinster by Tuathal Techtmar. Variations of this story are told of the earlier Irish high king Lugaid Logde, in Arthurian legendone of the most famous versions appears in both Geoffrey Chaucer's The Wife of Bath's Tale and the related Gawain romance, The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnelleand in John Gower's Middle English poem Confessio Amantis. Hughes says "Niall himself must have died not before the middle of the fifth century". That is to say, after 6-10 generations, you will lose track of entire ancestors and their ethnicity. She grants Niall not only water but the kingship for many generationstwenty-six of his descendants will be High Kings of Ireland. Abruptly, the tale then has Niall appearing before an assembly of Pictish bards in Scotland, where he is killed by an arrow shot by Eochaid from the other side of the valley. [6 ] Indeed, Keating describes her not as a Saxon but as the "daughter of the king of Britain". [8] Another version has Mongfind try to poison Niall, but she takes the poison herself by mistake. and probably less reliable, story is that Niall took a hostage from each of gene. [21] However, geneticists today do not believe that the haplotype presented in the Moore paper represents descent from Niall of the Nine Hostages as Niall, being possibly mythical, does not have verifiable remains that can be tested. Fiachrae is granted a minor royal line two of his descendants, Nath and Ailill Molt, will be High Kings. The descendants of Niall Nioghialloch (Neil of the nine hostages) King of Tara ca 405 (some scholars suggest he was still alive a generation later c435, some even suggested he lived to 462. The Munstermen renew the battle, capture Ailill and cut him to pieces, and war continues between Munster and Connacht for many years. We're British/Irish soldiers stationed in Sicily? ), told me that Im a sub-type of a lineage called H6a (specifically H6a1b). These sources date from long after Niall's time and they have little to no value as history. Meath) and also captured a Briton, a Gaul, a Saxon and a Scot. Press J to jump to the feed. 'We were honored to be invited by the Mayo County Council to participate in The Gathering, Ireland 2013,' Alexander Moen, National Geographics vice president of Explorer Programs, told the press. century. Because the numbers of men Some of The High Kingship did not become a reality until the 9th century, and Niall's status has been inflated in line with the political importance of the dynasty he founded. Keating, quoting a Latin Life of Saint Patrick, says that Niall led Irish raids on Roman Britain, and in one of those raids Patrick and his sisters were abducted. chase overdraft fee policy 24 hours; christingle orange cloves; northeast tennessee regional fire training academy; is srco3 soluble in water; basic science topics for nursery 2; bellflower property management; gifts from the holy land bethlehem; Reportedly he had fair skin, hair the color of yellow primrose, and deep, blue-gray eyes. Join. Crimthann refuses to drink it unless she does too; they both drink, and both die. the way of these old tales, she's not just unattractive, she's positively All sources agree he died outside Ireland. findings led them to the notion that Niall of the Nine Hostages may be the Big Legaire, High King of Ireland+ d. 463 (1),, -----------------------------------------------, Further information: U Nill descendants. The earliest version of the Lebor Gabla says Eochaid killed him on the English Channel, later versions adding that Niall was invading Brittany when this happened. Niall releases Fiachrae, who becomes king of Connacht and Niall's right hand man. part of France), King of Ireland. Medieval Irish monks supported claims to kingship or property?and gratified the egos?of their noble patrons by plotting their line of descent from Adam and Eve. The Spread of DNA From "Niall of the Nine Hostages". The earliest version of the Lebor Gabla says Eochaid killed him on the English Channel, later versions adding that Niall was invading Brittany when this happened. In the Yet, my paternal Haplogroup is "R-CTS241", which seems to be heavily common of people from the UK, yet my 23andme shows absolutely 0 percentage coming from the UK, actually none from western europe in general.I also share a paternal line ancestor with "Niall of the nine hostages". There is a large community of M222 men and a very interesting "family tree" of sorts is emerging as these men get into Y-DNA testing. Among the plunder captured by the band of warriors dispatched by Ireland's King Niall of the Nine Hostages was a 16-year-old boy named Succat. [3 ] However, the traditional roll of kings and its chronology is now recognised as artificial. the brothers, Fergus, goes off to look for water and comes upon an ugly hag. Niall was famed for his raids on Britain along with his brothers and sons. The Trinity College study also found that about one in ten men in the west He then kills Laidchenn by throwing a stone which lodges in his forehead. [2] The chronology of Keating's Foras Feasa ar irinn broadly agrees, dating his reign from 368-395, and associating his raiding activities in Britain with the kidnapping ofSaint Patrick (ca. Niall of the Nine Hostages. The Annals of Inisfallen date his death before 382, and the Chronicon Scotorum to 411. That slave would later escape and go to become Ireland's patron. He carried back hostages, many captives, and great booty from these expeditions. [7] O'Rahilly suggests that the nine hostages were from the kingdom of the Airgialla (literally "hostage-givers"), a satellite state founded by the Ui Nill's conquests in Ulster, noting that the early Irish legal text Lebor na gCeart ("The Book of Rights") says that the only duty of the Airgialla to the King of Ireland was to give him nine hostages. Since women dont inherit a Y chromosome, they must trace their paternal line through their fathers, brothers or paternal uncles Y-chromosome data. Distant view of Round Tower at Glendalough Geni requires JavaScript! While Cairenn is pregnant with Niall, the jealous Mongfind forces her to do heavy work, hoping to make her miscarry. [5], This "loathly lady" motif appears in myth and folklore throughout the world. Because of that, the identification of M222 with Niall's descendants is "difficult to justify". He then kills Laidchenn by throwing a stone which lodges in his forehead. A legendary account of Niall's birth and early life is given in the possibly-11th-century tale Echtra mac nEchach Muimedin ("The adventure of the sons of Eochaid Mugmedn"). Brin rules the province of Connacht, but Fiachrae makes war against him. She gives birth as she is drawing water, but out of fear of Mongfind, she leaves the child on the ground, exposed to the birds. Occasional [3 ] Mongfind appears to have been a supernatural personage: the saga "The Death of Crimthann mac Fidaig" says the festival of Samhain was commonly called the "Festival of Mongfind", and prayers were offered to her on Samhain eve. Crimthann returns to Ireland intending to give battle. 6) [S9890] Your Family Tree, gives this spelling and the info that he was the 126th Monarch of Ireland.. 8) Download, Keating has Eochaid shoot Niall from the opposite bank of the river Loire during his European campaign. It turns out that maternal and paternal lines can offer some clues about Irish ancestry. Wrong. haplotype likely originated in the 2nd millennium BC, long before Niall is claimed to have lived, so his descendants would only represent a minority of men in this group even if Niall had been a historical figure. In Irish Kings and High Kings (Dublin, 1973), John Francis Byrne prefers a much earlier date for Niall's death and also suggests the Three Collas never existed. In the saga "The Death of Niall of the Nine Hostages", Eochaid's enmity with Niall begins when he is refused hospitality by Niall's poet, Laidcenn mac Bairchid. About this group. repulsive, with green teeth and nails, matted unkempt hair, a decidedly crooked My original information was obtained from Genealogy information held at University of Hull. [15 ], There are various versions of how Niall gained his epithet Nogallach. became High King. A son of Niall, who succeeded his father at Tara circa 427-430, welcomed St. Patrick to his court in 432. The mighty warrior king Niall Nogallach dominates the twilight world between history and legend. According to National Geographic, the Mayo County Council hosted the Genographic Project for the Gathering under the theme of diaspora and cultural exchange. [7] Another version has Mongfind try to poison Niall, but she takes the poison herself by mistake. 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